Board Certification Exam-Prep Workshop: Tips and Strategies for Passing Your FP-C, CCP-C, CFRN, or Other Certification Exam the First Time!

Sale Price:$29.00 Original Price:$60.00

No matter if you’re just starting out on your path to a career in Critical Care Transport, actively studying for your Board Certification Exam, or you’re done studying and just waiting for the test date to arrive, working with an experienced coach who has already achieved what you desire, and who can help you create a solid path to success, is the best way to achieve your goal.

Workshop Date - All Workshops Start at 9am Mountain Time:
Enroll Now!

No matter if you’re just starting out on your path to a career in Critical Care Transport, actively studying for your Board Certification Exam, or you’re done studying and just waiting for the test date to arrive, working with an experienced coach who has already achieved what you desire, and who can help you create a solid path to success, is the best way to achieve your goal.

No matter if you’re just starting out on your path to a career in Critical Care Transport, actively studying for your Board Certification Exam, or you’re done studying and just waiting for the test date to arrive, working with an experienced coach who has already achieved what you desire, and who can help you create a solid path to success, is the best way to achieve your goal.

Workshop Schedule: Each workshop is approximately 3 hours long and begins promptly at 9am Mountain Time (11 Eastern Time)

What we’ll cover:

  • First, if you haven’t registered for your exam yet we’ll walk you through the process step-by-step.

    • We’ll show you exactly where you need to go to register

    • We’ll explain the pros and cons for the three different texting options

    • We’ll share with you a tip on how to save $100 on your exam registration fee, plus a whole lot more $$ on resources for the rest of your career.

    • Help you decide on a realistic test date that will motivate you, but still give you sufficient time, to prepare.

  • We’ll show you how to know exactly what to study and share tips for creating your own personalized Study Road Map

  • We’ll help you learn to manage Test Anxiety and provide you with powerful tools us can use the morning of your exam to help you remain calm and focused.

  • You’ll discover a very effect strategy to cognitively offload your brain during the exam so you can best focus.

  • We’ll share with you power tips for optimizing your time during the exam (In case you didn’t know, these are timed tests).

  • We’ll teach you effective ways to avoid distractions during the exam.

  • We’ll debunk dangerous test taking dogma that’s plagued students for generations.

  • We’ll teach you very effective strategies for figuring out the correct answer to a question when you have no idea what the answer is.

  • and much more…………

Finally, in the event you don’t pass not only will we refund your workshop fee we’ll also work with you to identify what went wrong, areas to focus on, and help you to develop a practical Action Plan that will lead to success.

Workshop Details:

  • Workshops are conducted via ZOOM.

    • Students will be able to ask questions during the workshop via a moderated chat

  • Students are required to have a reliable internet connection.

    • Cellular internet is not recommended

Cancelation / Reschedule Policy

  • Students may request a full refund up to 24-hours before the workshop. After that, students may choose to transfer their enrollment to a future workshop.

  • Students will be permitted to reschedule their workshop one time. After that the student will forfeit their enrollment fee.


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